It seems like forever since I wrote my last post, so it's probably time for an update.
I just finished the second of three courses in the TESL diploma at SMU. I was fully intent on completing all three by the end of the year, but as of about 2 am on Monday, I was virtually assured of a job teaching math and physics at a Christian boarding school in Korea starting in February. The guy who interviewed said my resume was a gold mine and told me to expect a call from the director of the school the next day to discuss the finer points of the contract.
With this in mind, I promptly withdrew from the third course, as it would make little sense to finish a program that would have no real relevance for what I thought I would be doing all too soon. The extra 1325$ would also be quite helpful. The next day came and went, though, and I didn't receive a call, which was a little perplexing, but I didn't think much of it.
The next day my recruiter sent me an e-mail saying that the school changed their mind because "my beliefs were astronomically different from theirs". I thought this strange, since the interviewer seemed to agree with my answers to his "religious" questions, even saying "amen" to most of them.
My recruiters were quite pissed off about this, saying that the schools actions were completely unprofessional, which they were. They were quick to point out, though, that this obviously wouldn't have been a good fit long term if they were so shaken by my tame, neutral answers. What bearing this has on the teaching of math and physics is beyond me, but I suppose it is ultimately their choice if they want to weigh religion so strongly in their choices.
Still, I have confidence in my recruiter. I am willing to go wherever I am needed, so that should certainly help me find a job quite easily. Wherever I end up is where I am supposed to be. I'm happy to go wherever the wind takes me.
In the meantime, I am going to focus on math tutoring and leave my schedule pretty open so that I can be available at basically any time for an interview with a potential employer. Thankfully I have all of my documents ready to go, and, according to the facebook page for my recruiter, a tonne of new jobs magically popped up yesterday, so hopefully one of them will pan out.
Time will tell.